Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Down and out South Ken style

For all their fine dining options and pricey ornament shops, areas of persistent affluence are for some reason as rarely blessed with great pubs as the most deprived parts of town, and sometimes even less so. So if you're on the lookout for a good pub in London, you're probably unlikely to head to South Kensington. But you'd be making a mistake, because down one very expensive residential street a few minutes' walk from the tube station is a prime example of good pubness. The Anglesea Arms is a lively, humming place, airy and open, offering good beers, kept running by skillful, friendly staff and crammed with well heeled punters who seem happily unaffected by these interesting economic times. Unless, that is, they've all just traded down for the duration from the endless cocktail bars that litter the area. In which case, they're living proof that hard times do you no harm at all.

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